Film Developers
Huge range including Rodinal, ID-11, Xtol, Aculux, Ultrafin, Neofin, TMax Developer

Print Developers
Developers for paper including Multigrade, PQ Universal, Neutol, Eukobrom, DV10 and many more

Stop Baths
Indicator and odourless stop baths to chemically halt development.

Non-hardening and hardening formulas from Kodak, Ilford, Fotospeed, Tetenal, Paterson.

Washing Aids
Accelerates the removal of fixer (hypo) from film and paper. Speeds washing time.

Classic archival selenium and blue toners.

Alternative Processes
Fotospeed kits for Cyanotype, Salt printing, Argyrotype, Gum Bichromate.

Liquid Emulsions
Coat your own paper and fabric with monochrome liquid emulsion

Spotting inks, retouching dyes and masking materials from Diaphoto and Fotospeed.

Ancilliary Chemicals
Reducers, Intensifiers, Hypo Check, Film Cleaner etc...

Colour Chemicals
RA-4, C-41 and E-6 colour film and paper processing kits from Tetenal & Fuji. All designed to make your life easier in any...