Ilford 2150XL

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Ilford 2150XL developer and Ilford 2150XL fixer are liquid concentrate chemicals supplied as a kit specifically for use with the ILFOLAB 2150 RC table top processor. 2150XL developer and fixer are, economical, easy to use, clean working, robust and have a high print capacity. They are capable of producing superb quality prints from all ILFORD RC papers and the high quality RC papers made by other manufacturers

Supplied as liquid concentrate

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(Ex VAT)
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AI1992182 Ilford 2150XL Dev+Fix 2x3L Kit £72.78 £87.34

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Ilford 2150XL - The Imaging Warehouse | Nova Darkroom & Digital Inkjet Supplies

Ilford 2150XL

Ilford 2150XL developer and Ilford 2150XL fixer are liquid concentrate chemicals supplied as a kit specifically for use with the ILFOLAB 2150 RC table top processor. 2150XL developer and fixer are, economical, easy to use, clean working, robust and have a high print capacity. They are capable of producing superb quality prints from all ILFORD RC papers and the high quality RC papers made by other manufacturers

Supplied as liquid concentrate

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