Fotospeed FX20

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Fotospeed FX20 is a general purpose liquid fixer with no hardener added and so is suitable for all types of BW products. It is long lasting and does not bleach back the highlights when extended fixing times are required. Dilutes from 1+4 to 1+9 depending upon requirements.
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AFS03130 Fotospeed FX20 Fixer 1L £6.63 £7.96

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Fotospeed FX20 Fixer - The Imaging Warehouse | Nova Darkroom & Digital Inkjet Supplies

Fotospeed FX20

Fotospeed FX20 is a general purpose liquid fixer with no hardener added and so is suitable for all types of BW products. It is long lasting and does not bleach back the highlights when extended fixing times are required. Dilutes from 1+4 to 1+9 depending upon requirements.
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